Rafting for children

River Baptism and Soft-Rafting


The benefits that come from taking your children, siblings and grandchildren into the water from an early age are indisputable.
They will learn to love the river and respect it, to have self-confidence and to know their limits, they will understand that every day is the right one to leave the house and enjoy nature and they will practice a group sport while simultaneously benefiting from carrying out a sporting activity outside.


And most importantly they will discover all this while having fun!


It is certainly necessary that the activities carried out are appropriate for their age and that, as for adults, there are no particular health contraindications.


The Sesia river, due to its conformation, lends itself very well to what we call “River Baptism” and which is perfect for the little ones, aged 6 and up (up to around 10 years). In fact, we take the dinghy and crew, fully dressed and with paddle in hand, to one of the numerous lakes that form at the end of the rapids of the classic rafting route. There, by virtue of the calmness of the water, you can have fun in complete safety with dives, jumps, swims, water balloon competitions and so on and so forth!


For older children, from 10 years old to 14 years old and over, when the water levels allow it, the Crevola-Doccio del Sesia stretch can be traveled by dinghy, which is characterized by level II rapids (on a from I to V) therefore categorized as easy.


The rafting routes that are normally done with adults, i.e. the Classic section and the Sesia Gorges section, are practicable, according to Federal Regulations, by those aged 14 or over. This is due to the presence of level III and III+ rapids.


For an approach to canyoning, a lot depends on the child’s build and his sporting aptitude. The routes are the same as for adults, but in this sport we accept children from 10 years old onwards.


In any case, for all the activities carried out the minor must be authorized by at least one of the parents by presenting the appropriate release of responsibility, so do not forget to notify the secretariat, which will be at your disposal to provide you with all the necessary clarifications and forms.


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