History and Team


It is from the passion for the river that the ASD Eddyline was born in 2001: an outdoor sports center where it is possible to practice and learn the sport of kayaking, and all other river activities, in such a way as to allow everyone to live the River as protagonists, experiencing what we call “The River Experience”.


It was precisely in that year that Mauro’s idea of ​​opening a kayak school met with Federico’s consent and support.
From this sharing comes the desire and conviction to create a School with characteristics that range from attention to methodology and teaching tools, to care for relationships and the value of being together. A Center where it is possible to practice and learn the sport of Kayaking, but also other river activities such as Rafting, Canyoning, Hydrospeed, in such a way as to allow everyone to experience the river as protagonists, experience what we call “The River Experience”. Eddyline was therefore born, an outdoor river sports center with a cutting-edge kayak school in terms of teaching techniques and didactic equipment, and the other river activities that revolve around it like satellite planets, but no less important for this reason. .


In a river there are two types of currents, one (the main one) which descends from upstream towards the valley and one, located behind partially outcropping boulders or in the internal corner of the curves, which goes in the opposite direction going upstream. In the English language this second current area is called “eddy”, and eddyline is the compound word that indicates the dividing line between these two currents. To begin the adventure of practicing a river activity (the “The River Experience”) it is necessary to cross this line in order to pass from the area of ​​relatively calm water (eddy) to the main current that descends towards the valley.

It is practically the transition from one world to another, from one situation to another completely different and new that each of us, in our life experience, finds ourselves living and going through several times. This is how it was for us: moving from working at other schools to the creation of “our own” school and also a counter-current line of thought in a broader sense.


In every new river we travel and in every new activity we practice, the eddyline will be an open door to a new world, a world to explore and experience. Just as it happens technically in the water, the realization and realization of our “Eddyline” idea also aims to be an open door for everyone towards a new world, that of river sports.


We have chosen Valsesia as our river base simply because, following our experience, the Sesia, thanks to its morphological characteristics and its multiple sections of various difficulties, from easy to difficult, is one of the rivers that best lends itself to teaching and to the practice of outdoor river activities. Valsesia and its side valleys, in particular, are one of the few places that have been able to maintain their original natural and wild state, an area for the practice of outdoor activities: river and mountain, which all of Europe admires .


The lifestyle within Eddyline wants to give prominence and value to the “pleasure and joy of being together”, therefore to the importance and care of relationships that are born and develop in the spontaneity of events. Nobody can explain it, you have to try it at least once, it’s “The River Experience”.


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