

The human presence in the area is very ancient, in fact the remains of human settlements dating back to the Middle Paleolithic have been found in the karst caves of Mount Fenera, an important archaeological area not far from Borgosesia in the lower Valsesia.


Evidence has also been found of Celtic settlements, a proud and warrior people, who were followed by Roman domination which brought structures and institutions. In the Middle Ages we instead find Lombards, Franks, Counts and various Lordships who established a heavy feudal yoke, where however the valley always managed to maintain a dignified and important autonomy.


The Walser populations began to arrive in the Alagna basin, where their characteristic houses can still be admired, around the 13th century, first from Macugnaga, and later in the Alpe d’Otro from Gressoney.


In the early years of the 14th century. life in the valley was greatly disturbed by the presence of Brother Dolcino and his followers, who fought against the temporal power of the Church and the Clergy in general. Accused of heresy, they took refuge in Campertogno and then Rassa. They were fought by the militias sent on behalf of the Pope, but as Brother Dolcino was a great strategist as well as fighter, they always prevailed in the various battles, including the battle of Camproso (Red Field), which was held right in the Campertogno plain.


After this battle the Dociniani, at the time refugees in the Artogna Valley (Campertogno), moved, and the reason is not known, to the bald wall located above the hamlet of Quare (Campertogno).


In March 1306, after a particularly hard and cold winter, apparently following a betrayal as Umberto Eco also mentions in “The Name of the Rose”, the Dolcinians, attacked by papal troops, had to abandon the site to take refuge in the Biella area on Mount Ribello through the Vasnera pass.

Here in the spring of 1307 they finally took action: Dolcino, his companion Margherita and his trusted lieutenant were captured, tortured and publicly burned at the stake in Vercelli.


Subsequently the valley remained under the Duchy of Milan, and experienced great demographic development. Campertogno was the largest town in the valley, reaching the figure of 2700 inhabitants in the 17th century!
In 1707 it was annexed to the Duchy of Savoy. In 1798 the Kingdom of Savoy suffered the Napoleonic invasions, but Valsesia, also thanks to its autonomy known since 1415, was a case apart and the Sesia River was chosen as the border between France and Italy. Right in Campertogno, a customs house was positioned on the ancient stone bridge, and even today you can see the garrita (today with a Madonnina) which once housed the border guard: France on the right bank and Italy on the orographic left bank of Sesia.


After the Napoleonic wars, with the split of the Universitas della Valsesia, all the privileges obtained and maintained over time were lost, thus beginning a period of economic difficulty and depopulation.


La Valsesia si può tranquillamente definire, nella sua parte media e alta una delle poche valli italiane ancora naturali. Come per gli sport invernali, in particolar modo lo sci fuoripista, anche per quelli estivi legati all’acqua, possiamo scrivere di essere in un vero e proprio Eden.


Qui la Natura recita ancora un ruolo primario e irresistibile.
Si snoda lungo tutta l’asta del Fiume Sesia fino alle pendici del Monte Rosa, dai cui ghiacciai nasce l’omonimo Fiume Sesia. Qui la strada termina e i collegamenti con le confinanti Val d’Aosta e Svizzera, nonché Macugnaga nella Valle Anzasca, sono garantiti solo da sentieri alpini e impianti di risalita sciistici.


Sul Monte Rosa, oltre ad altri importanti rifugi, troviamo il Rifugio più alto d’Europa: Capanna Regina Margherita, iniziato per volontà del CAI nel 1889 e inaugurato il 18 agosto 1893 alla presenza della Regina Margherita.


Durante il periodo estivo e primaverile sono praticabili tutti gli sport all’aria aperta: Kayak, Rafting, Hydrospeed, Canyoning, Canoa gonfiabile, Mountain Bike, Trial, Equitazione, Arrampicata sportiva, Parapendio e Trekking. Tutto in un ambiente Naturale, Rilassante e Incontaminato


Eddyline has its base of operations attached to the “Il Gatto e la Volpe” campsite.
To make the most of it in a comfortable way without having to travel with your car to practice sporting activities, at the above-mentioned structure you can take advantage of the Eddyline/Il Gatto e la Volpe agreement on:


camping with own tent
camping in a civil protection style tent equipped with bunk beds
cabin to rent: Cà dal Cros
Il Gatto e la Volpe restaurant/pizzeria


In one place you can find everything you need for a sporting and healthy holiday.





The town of Campertogno offers tourists: two hotels (2 and 4 stars), three restaurants, a theater with a summer cinema programme, a bed & breakfast, six bars, two of which are seasonal in summer, a newsagent/tobacconist, a typical products, a butcher/food shop, a local craft workshop with display and sale of wooden items.


Numerous mule tracks and mountain paths depart from the town, thanks to which it is possible to reach the various mountain pastures in the area where local shepherds bring their cows and produce cow’s milk (toma) and goat’s milk cheeses.


Worthy of particular note are the historical-architectural beauties of the town which see their most important complex in the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore whose construction dates back to the first decades of the 1700s, the Balcony of San Giacomo Maggiore begun in 1744 and finished in 1830; the Bell Tower, with a square plan dating back to the end of the 1500s; the Church of Santa Marta, whose construction dates back to the last decades of the 1700s on pre-existing structures of a Confraternity Oratory dating back to the first decades of the 1600s.


Campertogno is also present in the history of its hamlets such as Rusa, Quare, Carata, Tetti, and Plana; connected to each other by mule tracks you can admire splendid buildings such as the house of Frà Dolcino and the ancient school arranged on a semi-open portico in Quare.


Its large recreational area dedicated to sport, the many paths and mule tracks that allow long walks, make Campertogno a genuine and natural mountain environment still on a “human scale” and not contaminated by the stress of the city.



Eddyline’s operational base is located in Campertogno in the upper Valsesia, in a characteristic and picturesque mountain village at an altitude of approximately 850 m. above sea level


It is located in a large green area on the Sesia River, on an island connected to the town by a carriageable ford and an iron bridge, sharing the area with the campsite and pizzeria/restaurant “The Cat and the Fox” and the hut “Cà dal Cros” guest house.


There is a football pitch with night lighting, tennis, beach volleyball and table tennis. A few minutes away is a crag equipped for sport climbing and the start of walks, trekking and mountain biking routes.

All this will allow you to arrive at Eddyline, park your car and forget about it along with everything else, until the day of your departure.


You will be able to practice the outdoor river and land activities offered by Eddyline and in your free time relax at the bar, chatting with your adventure companions.


The town of Campertogno also offers tourists: two hotels (2 and 4 stars), three restaurants, a theater with a summer cinema program, a bed & breakfast, six bars, two of which are seasonal in summer, a newsagent/tobacconist, a grocery store of typical products, a butcher/food shop, a local craft workshop with display and sale of wooden items.
